Sponsership page.
Many birds come into rescue who unfortunately due to no fault of their own cant find their forever family & home. This can be due to a number of things from long term illness, abuse & neglect that leaves a bird emotionally or physically unable to be rehomed or just simply birds that are over looked due to their physical appearance or previous life traumas. This leaves rescues like ours having to look after these birds for the rest of their lives which can be many many years. We offer people the chance to sponsor a bird and this can be a regular weekly/monthly set donation by direct debit/standing order or a 1 off yearly payment. This can be discussed and arranged to fit each individuals budget. The sponsorship money goes towards the care of the bird for food, toys for mental stimulation & any vet bills that may be incurred. With the sponsorship you will get a certificate and a picture of your bird as well as updates. You could also arrange a visit that suites the rescue where there maybe opportunities to visit your bird in person.
Oliva Grenwing Macaw
Clio Blue & Gold Macaw

Hiya My name is Oliva.
I'm in my 30's and I'm a Greenwing Macaw.
I spent the first 20 or so years living happily with my human mommy & daddy, who loved me very much & I loved them too. My daddy sadly passed away and my mommy had to make the hard decision to put me in rescue in the hope to find my forever home due to her age.
I have been out of rescue a few times now but unfortunately my heart is so broken from loosing my first humans that I just couldn't settle and have ended up back with in a rescue.
My last placement I suffered abuse and neglect and was taken into rescue December 2023 where I went to stay with Louise & Zac to be assessed. Unfortunately due to the abuse & neglect I was very sick but I hid it really well until I just couldnt hide it anymore and I couldnt breathe. It was so scary and real hard to breathe and all the humans were running around me panicking. I could hear in their voices just how worried they were. I was put in a box and this machine blew medication in to help me breathe. I made it to the vets the next day and had to have lots of tests, bloods taken and x-rays under anaesthetic which was such a risk due to being 1/3 underweight and my breathing issues. I went back to Louise & Zac's house to rest with a few different kinds of medication that tasted nasty and the nebuliser multiple times a day.
I started to get better over the following weeks and I had to have check ups with the vets where I had my beak reconstruction for the second time and my nails sorted out as they were really long. I've spent the past few months getting better but I still need to use the nebuliser and that will probably be for the rest of my life.
I have grew to trust Zac my male human as he saved me many times from the nasty vet lady.
I'm happy to sit back in the indoor aviary with the humans own birds as well as other rescue birds and just watch the world go by. I love coming out and singing & dancing on my java tree and I like to go in the outdoor aviary as I'm very nosey and like to watch all the neighbours doing their daily things.
I'm a happy Chappy and my Louise is determined to make friends with me even though I have given her some nasty bites she still tries really hard with her terrible singing voice. I dance and sing for her while she sings nursery rhymes to keep her happy and make her smile but I really don't want to give in and make friends with her.
It has been decided I will never leave the rescue as I will never get better so Louise & Zac have decided I can live my life out with them for however long that may be.

Hiya My name is Clio.
I'm getting on a little now at 77 years of age and I'm a blue and gold Macaw.
Not much is known about me before rescue as I spent a number of years in another rescue and came into Joan's north Wales parrot rescue with a couple of feathered friend back in 2020 from a relationship built between my human and Joan and her reputation.
I have settled in wonderfully here with Joan and I love her very much as she does me, I don't mind Mani either if the truth be known.
I will live out my years here with in the rescue with Joan and Mani now as I am getting on a little even though I'm young in my head my body fails me a little with having arthritis in my wing.
I've been over looked for many years now as you can see I'm a little naked and resemble a chicken for your Sunday roast only I wouldn't fill a plate their isn't much meat on me so stop salivating over my breasts. No one really knows why I plucked myself all those years ago as all my vet tests came back perfectly fine but I have plucked my feathers for such a long time now and I've managed to damage the follicles so they will never grow back unfortunately but I'm still beautiful .
I am a happy content girl really and I love sitting in the big bay window watching the world go by with my feathered friends. 'You see ladies' we all hit a certain time in life where we can sit at the window and just be happy and content or is it the fact I'm nosey and being neighbourhood watch, either way I love doing it so that's how I pass the time of day.
I also like it when we have visitors and they come and talk to me but not all of them are worthy of my attention oohhhh nooooo and I will just sit back and make it known I just want them to leave me alone and let me be.
Another thing I like to do is sitting watching my feathered friends get up to mischief or even some feathered arguments. I will watch over them laughing and tutting inside because their is just no need for it at all and when they get to my age they will wonder why they wasted their time but the youth of today wellllllll what can I say!!
Its believed I may have had a stroke recently so I heard the lovely young vet say at my recent visit. I think I gave Joan such a fright in the night falling off my Purch, my memory fails me now to what happened but I did hurt my wing and my face. My face has healed perfectly but unfortunately due to a really nasty break I had to have my wing amputated. I'm feeling so much better and back to my regular neighbourhood watch duty.
Aragon Galah Cockatoo

Oh Hello There Dearies
My name is Aragon and I'm a 52 year old Galah Cockatoo and apparently that makes me a ripe old age don't you know.
I'm not sure if you know but Galah's like me live to be around 40 but Hey look at me at 52. The young ones always ask how I made it to this ripe old age and I often tell them to eat their greens, get plenty of exercise, fresh air and all those rays from the sun and they will achieve a good age just like me. I think I deserve a letter from the king don't you know.
I've been in rescue for 4 maybe 5 years now my memory doesn't serve me as well as it used to don't you know.
I was very well looked after which has kept me pretty strong and healthy but I have plucked myself over the years so it gets a little chilli sometimes.
In the past 4 or 5 years I went to stay with a foster family but had to come back into rescue due to no fault of my own, I will tell you as I don't want any gossiping.
I then found what I thought was my forever home but just before Christmas it was discovered all was not as it seamed so my little angels came to collect me and bring me back to rescue. Ohhhh let me tell you meeting Louise who I took a crafty nip of was exciting and Zac he had a soft spot for me I could just tell and he still visits me now don't you know. I love seeing my visitors and watawatawata at them and they do it back too.
Seeing Joan and Mani again was like all my dreams had come true and the best Christmas present ever. I'm not a moaner but to be away from the noisy, smelly, dirty place I was in with Oliva and 2 other feathered friends I was so thankful and happy.
Due to my age and what's happened Joan has decided its best I retire here where I know my humans, I'm content and very settled and if that's what the humans say is best for me then so be it as long as I have a big bay window to look out of all day I'm happy.
I spend most of my time with the other residents here and Clio is by my side, she is one of my best friends don't you know.
Rico Red-lored Amazon

Alright Maties
My Name is Rico, I'm a 65 year old red-lored amazon.
I've spent the last 5 years with in rescue and spent many years before that in a pet shop and I probably would have stayed there forever but unfortunately there was a devastating fire at the shop that killed all my friends and made me quite poorly.
It was such a scary time for me loosing everyone and everything i had ever known and I was the only survivor.
When i came into rescue i didn't feel great about myself and I had all this nasty stuff on my feathers, I was very yellow.
It hurt me to speak or make a noise and I spent a lot of time sitting silently because of the pain.
Over time with the love, care and support from Joan, Mani and the team they reassured me I was going to be ok and i truly believed them.
I had lots of showers and some really good food, lots of time spent with me and head scratches which i love from Joan she has to be my favourite human around. My feathers started to clear and the nasty smell was going bit by bit. Most of all I found my voice again. It was very slow going but I started to feel like me again and I was feeling amazing.
Due to my age, possible husbandry issues over the years or maybe i was born this way i really cant remember but I have twisted toes. I also suffer from fatty liver disease so the humansi have to take good care of my diet.
The humans around me have grew very fond of me and all my progress especially Joan I love her cuddles and scratches the most. She will come into my room and scoop me up and take me around the house with her into all the different rooms. she cant pass my cage with out talking to me and giving me a huge cuddle.
Its been decided I will live out the rest of my life here with Joan, Mani and the team and that's really ok with me I wouldn't want to move homes now as I'm so settled, happy and comfortable with the humans I have fallen in love with and them me too.
Nelson Blue fronted Amazon
Rolo Greater Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

Alright me Hearties
I'm Nelson you know like Admiral Nelson.
I'm in me 20s and I'm a blue fronted Amazon.
I've been in rescue for 10 years now and came in very unexpectedly with another bird unannounced.
I lost my eye before I came into rescue to a cat attack or maybe another bird attacked me, I don't really remember and the humans around me told 2 different stories at the time so who knows.
My dinky little feet are very misshapen and have grown into funny positions and my toes are all bent in odd ways so it makes it really hard to stay steady sometimes.
I also had a tumour removed when i was around 7 years old. I've had a rough life really but I'm very forgiving of humans because i just want to be loved and cared for correctly.
I was believed to be fully blind when I came into rescue but over time Joan noticed that maybe I could see something so she took me to the vets who confirmed I could actually see a little and they said I have what in humans would be tunnel vision.
Joan takes super good care of me, she bathes my eye socket as it does get very messy, she gives me tickles and makes sure my cage has super soft landing just in case I fall off my perch as my feet sometimes fail me.
I love listening to the radio in my room and hearing the chatters of the other birds here, we have our own tv that I can see the bright lights and colours from which is awesome. Most of all though I hear Joan's sweet voice when she is walking past and I shout "hello" for her to come in and see me, she never fails to come and say hello and give me tickles.

Hey there My name is Rolo and I'm a 10 year old Greater sulphur Crested Cockatoo.
I came into rescue a few years ago now as I had been self mutilating my back, belly and chest. I had suffered a lot of grief which had caused me to start suffering from depression. Joan and Mani took me to see specialists and had all the tests I could from blood work, x-rays to endoscopy and all this showed was a slightly swollen spleen and high hormone levels ohhhhh and they found out that actually I had testicals so wasn't in fact a girl I was a boy so I turned from Lola to Rolo.
Due to the amount of mutilation I had done to myself I heard the discussions between the humans and the avian specialist saying I only had 20 percent chance of survival. Joan and Mani did not accept that so they decided to give me a hormone implant and have a plastic brace fitted. The picture above shows me wearing my brace and yes it took some time to get used to but I knew it was for my own good and I knew Mani and Joan were fighting for my life so I just had to get on with it. My wounds were bandaged and over time they healed although I pulled out a few blood feathers from my legs and had a little set back. I do try hard not to hurt myself now but sometimes I do struggle. I love my cuddles, my fresh food and I love being out in the aviary.
The vet bills since I have been here have amounted to thousands and the charity have been amazing offering me a forever home with in the rescue as I do love it here. I don't wear my big plastic brace anymore as an amazing volunteer made me a little frilly jumper which not only stops me pulling my feathers it keeps me warm. I will stay with the rescue for the rest of my life now as I cant go out and risk getting poorly again.
Max Blue & Gold Macaw

Max's story to follow soon.
Were updating our website.

There are so many birds with in rescue who need help we will continue to add them to the correct sections