Available Birds
Here are some of our birds looking for their forever homes and a little bit about them. We pride ourselves as being one of the few rescues who attend the vets for disease testing with in the first few days of them arriving in rescue no matter how healthy the bird looks and behaves. These birds deserve the best lives and have had disease testing, a full health assessment with our avian vet and have been assessed by our very knowledgeable volunteers. We will be open and honest with all the birds behaviour and a brief history so you can understand the birds needs. We offer continued support and advise to help the transition to go smoothly as well as any issues that may arise with your feathered friend. We also offer a boarding service.
Thankyou for your interest. In order to be considered for a life time foster of one of our birds we have the following criteria to protect the birds, yourselves and ourselves and these are as follows.
All potential fosterers must be a fully paid member of Joan's North Wales Parrot Rescue.
All potential fosterers Must live in the North Wales area (including Cheshire and the Wirral)
All potential fosterers must have a completed, successful home check
Once all of the criteria has been met, then the potential fosterers can be considered for a life time foster bird.
Red Lored Amazon 15 years old

Alight are ya. I'm Poppy and am a little beauty if I do say so me self.
So unlike some of my feathered friends I've had a great life in fact it was amazing and I was treated like a princess, oh ye that's right that's because I am a princess. I was very spoilt in my previous home, if i wanted it i had it, if i couldnt get it my humans would get it for me, my humans wellllllll the doated on me and my beauty, they loved me so so much and maybe that's why I'm like I am now. I should probably warn ya I'm a bit of a bossy boots.
I'm looking for me forever home right now with a gentleman as my main carer if possible but I suppose I could try with the right lady to as long as she will put me on a pedestal and treat me like a princess I'm willing to give it a go.
I don't mind where I live now, its alright I suppose, but you know what? I don't wanna share my time with all these lot here. I wanna be with my forever human who put me at the top of the list, you know there number 1 not equal like i am here. I like to get on and do me own thing but over time we can do those things together maybe if i let you that is.
If your up for a little bossy pants then how about you drop Joan a bell and have a discussion or even email her I don't mind either way as long as your talking about me that's all that matters right.
Blue & Gold Macaw 12 years old

Hey there. My name is Sidney and I'm a 12 year old blue & gold Macaw.
Not much is really known about me as my humans were very vague about everything when I was collected.
When I came into rescue I swore like a trooper, I didn't/couldnt lift my wings, I hated all humans and I was super aggressive to the point no one could even come near my cage. I went to the vets and quite a few things came back as a concern. I had some kind of air born pollutant inside me and I generally wasn't doing so great so I spent a lot of time in isolation.
Louise's daughter used to come and feed me and talk to me and I would shout at her a lot I even bit her a few times. Bella really wanted to make friends with me and she started sitting next to my cage playing on her phone, talking to her friends, doing her homework and reading books me. I really started to like Bella and would shout for her at night and when I felt lonely. Some nights she even got her quilt and slept outside my cage. I started to like and trust Bella over time. When I started to get better she would get me out my cage and stretch my wings which felt a little sore. She would stand me over a bed and drop her arm and slowly I started to try and save myself stretching my wings out myself and flap them.
Bella spent 8 months with me and we truly fell in love. She taught me to fly to safety and a lap around the room and she taught me to love and trust humans again. I moved to a new safe house who was thinking of forever fostering me but human stuff happened and I am now back in rescue looking for my forever home and my forever human. I'm a clever boy and I no longer use bad words as I've replaced them with nice, kind words. I'm just looking for my forever Bella. Could that be you?
Blue And Gold Macaw

Hiya. My names Jess and I'm a blue and gold macaw.
I'm a very shy, nervous girly as I've not had the best start in life or been treated very kindly by humans.
When Joan and Mani picked me up I was so embarrassed at where I lived, my cage and surrounding areas were piled deep of rubbish, as well as my mess and the other animals mess. The smell was horrendous and I smelt so badly, I hadn't had a shower for so long in fact I actually cant remember when I had last had a shower, I felt so sad, depressed and dirty, I really hated my life the way it was it was so hard for me there. There was never clean water or fresh food and I just sat in my cage for years and years. It was very cold and dingy where I lived and many animals came and went. There were also rodents all around me.
The day Joan and Mani saved me there were dying and dead animals around me as well as very ill cats who had torchered me over the years. This made me so sad and not be able to trust anyone or anything.
I went with Joan and Mani and they gave me fresh water and food, a lovely big clean cage in a warm house with clean air, they also gave me warm showers which I really appreciated as I didn't want to be dirty and smelly anymore. It made me feel soso much better you wouldn't believe the difference it made and how much it meant to me.
I couldnt trust humans they had not been kind to me over the years so I would sit in or on my cage and just watch, I would never go on the floor as I was just to scared to do that with my previous home being so scary down there.
Joan has been amazing and really made friend with me. She has shown me how to trust and actually its ok and safe to go on the floor. Its took a really long time for me to settle and trust and I'm really ready now to find my forever home with someone special to continue to love me and help me build my confidence. I will try my hardest to work with you and if you give me the time and love I need then honestly I will be your very best friend and love you forever I promise.
Moluccan Cockatoo

Pinky is a very special bird and needs a very special carer and companion. He is 42 years old and has lived with the same male carer throughout his life. Unfortunately, he is now looking for a new home, a very special new home with a new male companion.
Moluccan Cockatoos are the world’s largest and loudest cockatoo. When is ‘full screech’ they can exceed 120 dB, fortunately they also make a range of other much quieter sounds. In the wild, the screech is a long distance communication call, evolved to travel a long way in their forested homes. The screeching may be triggered by you being out of sight of the bird, by fear, loneliness, stress or ill-health. As ‘calling everyone together’ is important at roosting time, they may also be noisy at bedtime.
They are famous for being an affectionate bird which relishes contact with their chosen human. They are extraordinarily intelligent and often defeat simple cage closures to get out. They do NOT like to be confined to a cage, which should only be their ‘safe place’ for sleeping. Whilst being very sensitive to human emotions, they are not really great talkers, although they sometimes learn a few words.
They need LOTS of attention, contact, robust chewing toys, fun and games…except when they tell you they are having quiet time! A Moluccan who has chosen you will choose to spend lots of time on or near you and will want to be involved in what is going on around them. As a large bird they need plenty of space. They have a very strong beak and if not provided with plenty of chew toys, they will find some around the house, most probably your woodwork. Caring for a Moluccan isn’t a pastime, it is a lifestyle and although Pinky is an older bird, we hope he has at least several decades left to him!
So, are you experienced with large parrots; do you have the time to adopt and care for Pinky who is as smart and needy as a four year old child? Do you have the space to accommodate him and are you prepared for the challenges of building a relationship with him? Can you live with the noise and importantly, are you sufficiently distant from neighbours so that his noise does not become a nuisance to them. A large, detached house would be ideal and space for an outdoor flight/ aviary would be the cherry on the cake. Most importantly do you have the time to spend with him? Whilst being extraordinarily beautiful, he is not an ornament, not a ‘cage bird’, not a toy. He is a feathered person who desperately needs another companion to love and who can love him.
Neno (originally Clio)
Ducorps Cockatoos 26 years old

Neno is a friendly little girl once settled. Likes to fly round and sit on your knee. Loves to dance and interact with music and is very affectionate.
She has learned to enjoy her fresh, raw chop and now has a range of veg and sprouted seeds each morning for breakfast. Her favourite chop changes but beetroot, cauliflower and red pepper tend to get eaten most of all. While Neno has been in my care I have worked really hard to convert her diet and this should continue when she finds her forever home. I have given her fresh breakfast every morning with out fail at a very similar time every day and she has really learned to love it. There have been times it has been hard as a tantruming cockatoo is no fun at all but she is now so much healthier and happier.
Neno has several words and phrase. ‘Hello’ ‘Alright?’ And ‘Watcha doing?!’ Used frequently.
She has some issues with plucking and excessive preening which have been reduced by providing cardboard boxes to destroy. It’s a trade off as boxes can increase hormonal response but cardboard sheets aren’t as distracting for her. If you get creative with the toys and carboard on offer I'm sure she will continue to find the distraction she much needs.
Neno has laid an egg twice in the last year with her attempting to incubate the second.
As with all toos, Neno can be loud and is dusty.
Neno is scared of some men and she doesn’t like the vacuum cleaner. She is also nervous of the spray bottle. She is less reactive to a pump spray (like cosmetic spray) or she will shower herself under the tap.
Her favourite treats are a corner of toast or a little piece of cheese. She isn’t usually interested in fruit. She will help herself to your drinks if she is free so you need to guard your coffee!
She has been used to company all day.
JoJo & Charlie (must go together)
Citron-Crested Cockatoos 50 & 30 years old

JoJo & Charlie are 2 beautiful little ladies who absolutely adore each other.
They came into rescue a few months ago due to absolutely no fault of their own at all, in fact it was human neighbours that were the issue.
Their humans loved them very dearly and they had the most amazing set up that and bird could possibly wish for, It was huge. They had indoor and outdoor space and it was a delight to see. Their humans were heart broken to have to surrender their beloved birds they had cared for for all these years and it was a really hard decision for them.
Since being with in the rescue both girls are doing amazing and have settled wonderfully.
One of the little ladies has been having an injection every 6 weeks for a number of years now but the last visit it was decided to go for 8 weekly and see how she gets on. This is something their forever human will have to consider when taking on these girls as we have no idea if this injection will increase back to 6 weeks or maybe even decrease but its something to bare in mind.
These 2 ladies are considered as older ladies but they are doing fantastic, we have even seen some feather regrowth which we didn't expect after years of plucking/over preening.
We would like to find them a home that's calm, as they are older birds so no young children. Ideally someone who drives or can arrange transport for the vet visit if that's still needed, we presume it will be but not sure on how often just yet but that's something we can discuss if applications are placed.
Blue & Gold Macaw 15 years old ish

Hiya everyone my name is rainbow I'm a beautiful friendly 15 ish year old blue and gold macaw.
Due to no fault of my own and spending many years within an amazing, loving forever home under the rescue I've unfortunately had to come back into rescue with me mate Gino.
I've been with the rescue around 8 years now and before that My human who was a teacher loved me very much but due to their relocation to the other side of the world I came to live with Joan and Mani. My human and I used to spend a lot of time singing and dancing and I even visited school to spend time with the children which i very much loved. I love singing my Do-re-mi-so which my amazing human teacher taught me.
I'm looking for a forever home on my own now and I'm leaving my mate Gino behind to find his own home too. We are so much better living separately as when were together we just fall in love and its no fun for our humans at all as we get really protective over each other. So if your looking for a cute, funny macaw who can teach you how to sing then I'm your boy.
Indian Ringneck 4/5 years old

This is Ringo the Indian ringneck, he's believed to be 4 or 5 years old.
Unfortunately he has come into rescue with out a lot of knowledge as his owner wasn't available to speak so a lot of the information we know about him is 3rd hand.
While he has been under assessment in safe house its become very obvious that he hasn't had much time spent with him. His safe house human is putting in a lot of hard work to build his trust and change his diet to include fresh veggies, which he is really starting to enjoy. He is being given short showers which he is also starting to get used to and his feathers are really starting to brighten up as he was very dirty when he came into rescue.
His safe house human honestly believes with some time and patients he will grow to trust humans and learn to love them. She believes he will be an amazing little companion for someone.
African Grey

Blue & Gold Macaw
